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One important objective of the Healthy Eating and Activity Laboratory (HEAL) is to help students, both undergraduate and graduate, at UT understand how to counsel families and adults, implement evidence-based lifestyle interventions, and conduct research. Preference is given to individuals who can commit to two or more semesters. Prior research experience is helpful, but not necessary. Duties vary but can include assisting with participant recruitment; conducting assessments; conducting laboratory protocols; and coding and entering data.


Undergraduate Research Assistant Position Description


Undergraduate Research Assistant Application


Graduate students may gain research experience conducting clinical diagnostic interviews, aiding in treatment development, facilitating group interventions, assisting with data analysis, and other laboratory functions. They may also assist in presenting study results at professional meetings and in scientific publications.


All students attend a weekly lab meeting in which we discuss ongoing research within the lab, as well as current literature and issues surrounding research in eating disorders and obesity.


If you are interested in learning about these opportunities, contact Hollie Raynor (, Executive Associate Dean for Research and Operations.

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